Vanna Vechian's Erotic Stories & (Art & Life) Scrapbook

Vanna Vechian is of mixed European extraction. She studied maths and art history in Germany. She writes essentially in lieu of socially unacceptable behaviour - experiments with her womanhood, her stock and trade in the fading past. Her subject area is woman and the female body, the source of power it is, but vulnerable and 'the prison of the mind' at the same time. This Blog is to capture loose ends and stray thoughts.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Privacy and identity

I am right to guard my privacy jealously? Apart from the little photo on my homepage (, I have passed little traceable information to even the most trusted friends that I encountered in my virtual 'Vanna Vechian, erotic writer' existence. And I chose that particular photograph because it resembles me surprisingly little. It was taken by a newspaper photographer for a newspaper.
I have resisted getting a webcam or taking and sending comprising photographs of myself. Not that I am not tempted to 'out' myself as the sex-obsessed slut that I am. Not that I don't trust my most trusted virtual friends. It is simply a hard principle which I established early on, just like I also resolved not to join any paysite. Water down that principle and end up, so I fear, in the internet jungle, my husband's and my reputation in shreds. Or pay to bankruptcy for all the sweets on the internet.
Many of my trusted virtual friends trust me. To do as I say I do, instead of pretending. To be what I am, a recently 50 year old woman.
Is it possible to tell this from my writing? That I have experienced the 'autobio' stories, that I am a woman?
Or is the evidence of photographs and webcams indispensable?
I am never completely sure myself whether my trusted friends are what they seem. I have worried about that at times. Now I try to forget it and enjoy them. That is the beauty and ugliness of the internet, that you are never really sure but can live with illusions forever. And what is true and real in reality? Is that principally easier to tell?